Ants on a Blog

'We cannot get out. The end comes. Drums, drums in the deep. They are coming.'


It's the Final Countdown! (Thank You, Europe)

As this post is evidence, I've survived the first week of the teaching assistantship workshop. Not like I was too worried. Of course there's always that voice of doubt in the back of my head that sounds like Gilbert Gottfreid. But after the first week, that voice is all but drowned out by resounding confidence for the fall.

I'm sure we'll cover the four paper types this next week. I feel fine using D2L. Though I hope they fix the discussion board glitch. Thinking I could simply delete a board, I created one and signed on as "Poopsmythe" and typed, "Bow Before Me!"--which, of course, is saved in the board's history. When I pointed out I couldn't delete the board, the D2L guy came over to take a look and saw my test disc. board. Darren got a kick out of that.

Great, Darren.