Ants on a Blog

'We cannot get out. The end comes. Drums, drums in the deep. They are coming.'


As Promised [Threatened]...

...Here's the video with the goose-fucked noise makers. Introducing Reservoir Grant on the left and Zinnel on the right, who's the only person in the history of time to wear a New Year's Leprachaun hat along with a lei. The format of the video is weird, some sort of .3gp file, but if you open it in/with Quicktime, it works--or at least it did with me. If you have probs with .3gp files, whatever the fuck those are, let me know. Maybe I can get help in converting the file into something less Macintosh--har har! Nerdy loyalties are t3h l337!!1

Another tidbit of advise, before opening/playing the video, make sure your sound is at a low to normal level: The noise is crazy-wicked-loud-awesome-hyphen. Goose.

Hailz to Danecek for the crucial server space for the vid!

Also, Happy 50th Post to me! Never thought I'd stick with it. Oh well. Who needs grades, anyway?


  • At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mr. I Can't Google

  • At 10:51 PM, Blogger Mason said…

    What eez deece Google of wheech you speech?

  • At 8:04 PM, Blogger Stefan said…

    Apple QuickTime can play the file.


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