Ants on a Blog

'We cannot get out. The end comes. Drums, drums in the deep. They are coming.'


If Cymbals were Symbolic of Stuff...

...Darren, ex-drummer of Danecek's band Pillory, would be master of metaphors. Figurative language aside, instead he's master of 674th notes. Check him out--he's not funky, though. There's no room for funk in this machine.

When it comes to drum sets, I'm a minimalist by choice and economics. On the record: that's way to many cymbals. I think the cymbal to drum ratio is 4-1, but I can't count that high. On the other hand, I'd keep the ratio if I could do what Darren does with that many cymbals and that few drums, which I can't.

While the entire sequence is masterful and showcases Darren's technical precision, my favorite part is roughly 27 seconds in and lasts only about seven seconds, when Darren's right hand blasts on the snare. Notice the unique method: his down stroke is a rim shot (as in the stick hits the skin and the rim at the same time), and he hits the skin again on the up stroke. What's the mean? Twice the hits, half the energy. In addition, the timbre of the rim shot adds a whole new vicious level to the blast. Am I wrong, or are his legs doubling the snare?

Mad Dog Darren.


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