Ants on a Blog

'We cannot get out. The end comes. Drums, drums in the deep. They are coming.'


Not Fuckin' Cool, Man.


This is proof that the mustache is dying--or rather society is killing the mustache. This is also proof that this facial hairism must be stopped! The mustache has friends who cry, "Do not go softly into that good night, mustache! You've also got some chicken stuck up there. No, the other side. There. Ya got it!"

Danecek and I worked at a Snyder Drug in high school [Editor's Note: We came up with the idea for Clerks long before we ever discovered Smith's hack job]. We'd stand in the Household Cleaners isle, just-a-beholdin' Brawny Man, his magnificence. I'd say, "Man, that 'stache is... It's magnificent!" Danecek would point at him after much thought and say, "That dude is tough." Hours would pass. Floors went unmopped. We took our inferiority frustrations out on hapless teddy bears in the alley out back. We made weapons from mop handles, shelf dividers, and discontinued garden claws. We rent many bears.

The moral? If we had been able to grow confident, magnificent mustaches like 'Stached Brawny Man, maybe we would have mopped with more conviction. Furthermore, without a proper Brawny Man to make young men feel inferior, the teddy bear population will go unchecked. Three words: Feral Teddy Bears. Is Georgia-Pacific prepared to deal with Feral Teddy Bears? I researched. Nowhere in GP's "Corporate Social Responsibility Report" do they mention any sort of F.T.B. Emergency Protocol. "Environmental protection is the responsibility of all Georgia-Pacific employees"--my fuckin' eye.

College has given me the skillz to grow a proper beard, which is like the mustache's over-weight step brother. If brown is the new black, the beard is the new mustache. But it has been said that beardos are just too lazy to shave, and that beardos are "too timid for the awesomeness of mustaches"--you know who you are. Not cool, man. We beardos have inherited the great responsibility of easing young men into their obligation to wear some sort of facial hair. This responsibility used to belong to mustachioed men but now, it seems, it is ours: The Bearded Man's Burden. Young men aren't always aware of what hair prowess their faces possess. How are they to be sure without testing the field? Let them grow beards until they decide what to do with their glory. Let them be brave and grow a beard. Perhaps in time they'll accept their genetic predisposition to wear the 'stache.

In the meantime, we beardos are a strong movement and loathe the persecution of our brothers, step or otherwise. As a concerned beardo, I'm grateful for organizations like The Beta Male (BM: It's a Movement) and The Benevolent Order of Mustachioed Men (B.O.M.M.) whose dedication to the preservation of the endangered mustache will not, like their own raging mustaches, be shaved.

I call for an immediate, indefinite ban of all Brawny products until they bring back the 'stache. In fact, that should be our message; in sloppy scribbles on tag board signs, ready for picketing: "Bring Back the 'Stache!"

Instead of a mustache, we now have this:

"That's triple-action performace. That's Brawny." That sucks.

[Editor's Note: Natalie discovered that this commercial is much better when you turn off the monitor and just listen to it. You do it.]



  • At 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I love you and your blog, but my only complaint is that your font choice makes me want to punch infants. I'll send you a screenshot sometime...the friggin' font even overrides my RSS reader and FORCES me to look at your seizure-inducing font!

    Speaking of punching infants, do you listen to Dane Cook? “Sometimes you hear a sound that…for whatever reason…makes you wanna punch a baby. God forbid you're in a nursery when you hear that sound and go on a baby punching tangent…God help me it's the sound that makes me punch infants!” I think you’d like that guy.


  • At 2:22 PM, Blogger Jean. said…

    (Sorry. Had to add something.) Wow. I can't believe they changed an icon. WTF.

    Did I tell you ever that the Brawny man is my real father? I know. I come from a long line of paper products.

    Although I prefer shaven to unshaven--(I'm sorry, but a Brawny girl can tell no lie)--I am truly saddened about what they've done to this lumberjack. And why did they have to make his muscles bigger?

    Poor Beta males. Yet another ideal that drowns them in their second-dom. Now the wives of BM's have this to stare at and dream about until their BM comes home from the accounting firm with lean pocket red sauce and mozzarella down the front of his white dress shirt and red and orange vertical striped tie only to tell her that he didn't get the promotion at work because YES, he was the one who sent out those emails of animals "doing it," and then explains that he hasn't cut back his cholesteral because it is just fucking impossible to only eat ONE of those goddamned lean pockets.

    Stupid ideals. What next? Mr. Clean grows hair and goes hetero? C'mon, people.

  • At 4:02 PM, Blogger ZINNEL said…

    Thanks for the info, Mace.
    I will go home and clean one up for the old mustached Brawny man.

    But look on the bright side. With Grant in the graphics division of a certain state department, we will always have brochures and other various informational reading materials showing trashy, cammo'd, porno-shaded, mustached dudes holding large fish.

  • At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The Brawny commercial with no picture! Tee-hee-hee!

  • At 4:30 PM, Blogger Mason said…


  • At 5:24 PM, Blogger Michael David MacBride said…

    this is a very fine blog entry. all blog entries should be this amusing, and filled with levels of stories and love. as for dane cook, he is indeed amusing... but he's no eddie izzard. if you're not familiar with him, scope him out. start with "dress to kill".

  • At 10:49 PM, Blogger Chad said…

    YES. Right on Jared, and Right on MacMike. New Brawny Guy = Big Douchey Turd Sandwich. Eddie Izzard = Awesome. I will lend you Dress To Kill on VHS.


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