Ants on a Blog

'We cannot get out. The end comes. Drums, drums in the deep. They are coming.'


No Such Thing As Too Much Sausage

I've added several [Sausage] Links in the last week. The most notably creepy link is to Chad's Haunted Mirror's Blog. There are two important details about CHM: !) It's in love with Chad--big whoop; who isn't? And @) CHM seems to be a persona/possessed object that people trust to give good advice. Got something on your mind? Need another's view on the subject--some insightful reflection? Follow the [Sausage] Link leading to Chad's Haunted Mirror! It's kind of a one-sided venting process so far, though, since CHM listens well but says little.


  • At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love your sausage links. Wait, does that sound naughty? Hmm.

    Also, the use of ! and @ instead of 1 and 2 is brilliant. I only wish I had come up with it first. As the French say, "Le sigh".

    Lastly, update my sausage link to be: as that blogspot one was just for that one section of English 101.


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