Ants on a Blog

'We cannot get out. The end comes. Drums, drums in the deep. They are coming.'


What Fun

I like her idea, who spread it to him, her, him, her, and probably a bunch of other people but I'm done looking. It's far too late/early for me to come up with fifteen thangs about me right now. I'd rather invite embarrassment and ask you all to come up with FTtMPPDKAM (Fifteen Things that Most People Probably Don't Know About Me). Tell truths or make stuff up--I don't care. The excitement will be in the mystery. Or it'll be lame because I'll find out I have a readership of four and a half.

I foresee a first-day activity with my new Comp students: Make them come up with five lame ones (Like, once I went to a Blink 182 concert and totally made, like, eye contact with Tom--like,
real eye contact, like--like, a connection! Then Travis totally threw his drumsticks into the audience and they, like, and they totally hit me and, like, gave me splinters which got all, like, infected and, like...) Then whip out my list, full of the filth only Patrick and Sire could come up with. Maybe this isn't such a good idea...

Oh, I guess I should reserve the right to remove any comments with the words "polyp orchard," "reach-around," and/or "August '97."

Otherwise, whatever. Go crazy. Just have fun with it.



  • At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Pish posh, it's not too late. Here's my contribution:

    Fifteen Things Most People Don't Know About Mason, As Written By Some Random Girl Who Has Never Met Him

    1. Favortite vegetable is asparagus.

    2. Was taken to an Iron Maiden concert by his babysitter at the age of five. Never told his parents.

    3. Really hates Iron Maiden.

    4. Ties shoes by making two loops and then crossing them, not the one-loop-then-wrap way.

    5. First pet was a hamster named Bert.

    6. Hates grapes, but loves grape Bubble Yum.

    7. Has never made a diorama.

    8. Does not get what the whole thing with Homestar Runner is about.

    9. Can do some pretty neato card tricks.

    10. Almost had to repeat second grade because he was out so long with the chicken pox.

    11. Can totally kick your ass at Soul Caliber.

    12. Is double jointed in both his thumb and big toe.

    13. Once worked as one of those guys in a big chicken costume handing out flyers. For a week.

    14. Has never been to Wisconsin.

    15. Can't swallow pills.

    There, how'd I do?


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