Ants on a Blog

'We cannot get out. The end comes. Drums, drums in the deep. They are coming.'


I'm Breaking Two of My Rules:

!) Hedge the politics; and @) Never--EVER--promote anything-MTV.

Shades of Kurt Loder--MTVNews has always been the only worthwhile segment ever. Hein gave the heads up on Colbert being Brilliant Colbert in the heart of the lion's den. This is probably old news to everyone, but I was only now able to read it (because I recently learned to read).


In Other News: I won 2 of 2 Chess 4 games that I played today. One of my comp students, Sig Turtletower, played in my stead for the third game played in the office today. He won. Can you imagine the how Homerow Hein, Prawn Mulcher Elysaar, and Stalemate Phil felt after losing to an eighteen-year-old comp student? I love it. I know Jon as a great guy with intelligence veiled in goof; but my colleagues naturally see him as the embodiment of their comp-woes. I'm sorry. I hate to rub it in, but I just like massages so much.

I wonder if Brings His Teacher Cookies wants to play in our chess tourney this week.


  • At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mr. Goudas passed the word onto me a while ago, and like you... I feared everyone had already heard about it. However, should you want to witness the entire video...

    You can see the whole thing here. Just fast forward until 1 hour and six minutes.

  • At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Prawn Mulcher...?


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