Ants on a Blog

'We cannot get out. The end comes. Drums, drums in the deep. They are coming.'


An Open Letter to the 813 People Who've Viewed My Profile

Dear The 813 People Who've Viewed My Profile,

Ahh... Hey there! So like, how's it goin'? Oh? Fascinating. Hey, I love pickles too. Hmm. Umm, can I ask you something, 813? Who the hell are you? Yeah you, all 813 of you. I mean, I probably know, say, 21 of you--and that's a generous guestimation of people I know at all. Where did you come from?

I can only remember one random commenter in the entire year of this blog's existence. One. His name was Daniel B. and he liked bikes.

I know because clearly that's a bike helmet in his avatar pic, and those are fancy biking glasses, and that's a fancy bike shirt, and his blog's name was All this, I'm sure, to prove that he liked bikes. Daniel B. might have asked a stupid question--who hasn't seen Ghost in the Shell, Daniel B.? To anyone who actually read that post, it would be clear that I had seen GINS, even though I didn't outright say it--but at least he asked something. The rest of you 791-ish have been as quiet as poop-looming White Castle farts--and possibly as dangerous, but I don't know since you haven't uttered a peep (or a poop).

Where are you now, Daniel B.? I can only assume you're biking somewhere. Where are the rest of you? I don't want to assume anything, and you probably don't want me assuming anything either. I'd probably make up something you wouldn't appreciate. But you're aware of what I'm capable of since you been to my blog, at least long enough to view my profile. Furthermore, you're so aware that what you saw scared you (or bored you) so much that you didn't bother commenting. Bless Daniel B.'s brave heart for his random comment, four and a half months ago. I mean that's so long ago that I was using Courier! As for the rest of the unaccounted for, you're a mystery.

Or maybe not. Maybe you're like that glitch in Superman 3 and later in Office Space, like some sort of spambot that's making someone rich by viewing random profiles. No one suspects the harmless spambot, right? Or maybe that's the kind of idea that scares away random passersby. But it certainly would explain Daniel B.'s 2,647 profile hits. Fuck, Dan, 2,647? I'm at 813 and you only have a month on me. Yet another mystery.

I wish more of you randoms would leave comments like Brave Danny B. did. Then it wouldn't feel like there were so many people secretly laughing at me. And plus, if more of you left comments, then I could devote creepy posts like this to you! But I guess you randoms don't have to comment; it's nice just to see a stat go up.

Take care, 813 People Who've Viewed My Profile. And thanks for stopping by long enough for me to alienate you.

Mace...out and biking with Daniel B.


  • At 3:07 AM, Blogger CatholicGirlie said…

    Maybe people check your blog out when you come up on recently updated (like I'm doing) :)

  • At 3:28 AM, Blogger Mason said…

    Yes! 814! Thank you, catholicgirlie! I can't believe that worked! And on a catholicgirlie!

    I'm totally viewing your profile.

  • At 2:42 PM, Blogger Jean. said…

    Um, Jared. First of all, this was hilarious.

    Secondly, I have a confession to make:

    I...uh, I don't know how to say this, but I'm like 729 of the 803. I've just looked at your profile that many times.

    I'm so embarrassed. I hope you can forgive me. I just find your age and place of location SO interesting!

  • At 8:17 PM, Blogger MM said…

    Um, I think I had a class with you (research and pub. in cw) but because of the shotgun-hole-through-window-through face nudie picture on your profile, I can't be sure.

    But I can't remember names or faces, anyway.
    Actually someone linked you as Frank O'Hara on their blog. I really dig Frank O'Hara.
    Got any nudie photos of him?

  • At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, didn't this blog used to be active? Last post 7/18? That's a lifetime in the blogosphere. My grandma blogs more than you, and she's dead.


  • At 11:50 PM, Blogger Jason said…

    Hey, Jared, you putz.

    Why am I using Yiddish slang? Because I'm the typical Norwegian/Swedish/Czech: There is no reason. There is also no typical Norwegian/Swedish/Czech.

    Hope you're doing well, Mase.


  • At 8:58 PM, Blogger Jason said…

    Hey, I don't know where you are, but if you rally like the folk metal and you need some cheering up, listen to Korpiklaani: Wooden Pints. Awesome song.

  • At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't know what number I am, but I know for sure that I am a higher number than 813! Here I am stretching the boundaries of bloggerdam (spelling on that one I am not so sure) ... can I be number 919 because it is a palindrome and there is that magic number 19 in there!!! ...


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